Data field widget

The most common widget is the data field widget that give the possibility to display value of tags. (See "Tag editor").

Path: View> Toolbars and Docking Windows> Widget Gallery

Field properties

Property Description
Value Tag that contain the information to display
Number Format

Display format

  • None
    No restrictions (system decide the format to use)
  • Numeric
    Numerical format. Decimal digits and Leading digits can be used to better define the number format
  • hex
    Hexadecimal format. Leading digits can be used to better define the number format
  • HEX
    The same of "hex" format but using uppercase
  • scientific
    Scientific format. Decimal digits can be used to better define the number format
    The same of "scientific" format but using uppercase
  • Custom
    Use the additional "Custom" parameter to better define the format to use (see the below table)
Show Thousand Separator To show/hidden the thousands separator
Decimal Digits Number of decimal digits to show (not available on all format types)
Leading Digits Number of leading digits to show (not available on all format types)
Custom String that define the number format to use (available only when selected Number Format is CUSTOM)

Keypad type to pop up to edit the tab value

  • None
  • Alphabetic, Numeric, Etc.
    Pop up a predefined keypad or a user keypad (see "Keypads")
  • Wheel
    Keypad will not be displayed . Wheel can be used to increment/decrement the numeric value
  • Macro
    Keypad will not be displayed . Keyboard macro can be used to enter keys (see "Keyboard actions")
OnDataUpdate Action Commands list to execute any time the tag value changes (See "Actions" for the available commands)

The character used as thousand separators (point) and the character used as decimal separator (comma) can be modified from the global Project Property. See "Regional Settings"

Some properties have a couple of buttons:

Enter edit mode:
you can directly type the tag name to use

Attach to tag:
the dialog where select the tag to use will be opened

Custom Formats

In custom property, the allowed chars are “#” “.” “0” “h” “H” “e” “E”

Use the place holder characters to control the display of digits before and after the decimal place. Use the number sign (#) if you want to display only the significant digits in a number. This sign does not allow the display non-significant zeros. Use the numerical character for zero (0) if you want to display non-significant zeros when a number might have fewer digits than have been specified in the format code.

If a number has more digits to the left of the decimal point than there are placeholders in the format code, the extra digits are displayed. However, if a number has more digits to the right of the decimal point than there are placeholders in the format code, the number is rounded off to the same number of decimal places as there are placeholders.


To display As Place Holder
123 0123 000#
1500 5DC #H
1500 5dc #h
1500 05DC 000#H
123.456 123.46 #.##
123.456 000123.456000 00000#.000000
12,200,000 1.22E+07 #0.00E+00
12,200,000 12.2E+6 #0.0E+0